Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cookin' at home. Cookin' at the restaurant.

      I bought a new convection oven.  Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!  This one is shorter than the old one, but it is wider, so it accommodates my bread loaf pans better.  But, it doesn't have a light inside.

     They're not real!

      The broth in the pot above is spicey.  The one below is not.
It's called Shabboo-shabboo.
Sometime, you can order a white broth.
At the restaurant, you can order whatever meat and vegetables they have available.
They bring it all to your table, and you cook it.
They'll replenish the broth, just ask them to bring you some more.

      This coffee shop was real pretty, and the spaghetti was delicious, but they need to be more generous with the coffee, or I'm not going back.


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